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The teaching moments represented in this web site address the
instructional standards of the following organizations.
Mississippi Language Arts Frameworks (2000). Follow links to 9th Grade. This framework is being revised and will be replaced in 2006 school year.
Below: Excerpt, NINTH GRADE COURSE DESCRIPTION. Grade 9; one year course. (Full pdf)
"The curriculum for Grade 9 describes in general terms what students are expected to know and do throughout the year to become more adept language users. Ninth Grade Language Arts is designed to incorporate grammar, reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing into the study of literature and language usage. Areas to be emphasized are cooperative learning, basic research, and skills in critical thinking, oral and written communication, grammar and mechanics through various writing experiences and reading various literary forms and styles. Students' responses should show progression from concrete to abstract thinking. This curriculum is designed to promote an appreciation of language and literature."
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
Standards for Adolescent and Young Adulthood English Language Arts |
National Council of Teachers of English
Standards for the English Language Arts |
Site last updated
May 19, 2006